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F. Consequences of the Imperialism

The first major consequence is the geographical discovery of the whole world, its colonization and the distribution of the same among the powers. The consequences are different as they affect the metropolises or the colonies.

F1. Consequences for the metropolises.

At the economic level, the colonies need a strong expenditure of the official budget and large private investments, at least in the first phase, to create infrastructures that allow for further exploitation.
Soon the colonies provide large quantities of raw materials. They also allow the departure of contingents of manufactured products from the metropolitan industries, which reduce stocks in times of crisis and protectionism.
At the demographic and social levels, the colonies are an escape valve for demographic pressure, because, by facilitating emigration to them, social and even political problems are diminished, which could be derived from the increase in population.
At the political level they allow to forget, or at least to leave in the second term, the internal or external problems, with which the socio-political tensions are alleviated. Political leaders and nations gain greater prestige internationally. International conflicts are moving to and settling in the colonies.

F2. Consequences for the colonies.

A. Geographical consequences . The first consequence is that a new geography is created by changing the structure of the coasts with the construction of ports and new cities, new ways of communication, new structures... a new market economy that It coexists with the traditional subsistence economy.

B. Economical consequences. Trade with the metropolis is uneven, raw materials are exported and manufactured products are purchased. In many cases a real looting of the colony takes place.

C. Demographic consequences. At the demographic level. As white medicine overcomes epidemics, contact with Westerners facilitates the spread of unusual diseases in these latitudes, thus increasing the mortality of indigenous people.

D. Social consequences. On A social level. It arises with strength the urban life, new cities appear that grow extraordinarily and in the breaks the tribal structures.

E. Cultural consequences. Culturally the most notable consequence is the change of mindset, the fruit of evangelization and teaching (the role of missionaries). Besides and something later, official education is produced, focused on greater possibilities of exploitation. All of the above contributes to a serious process of indigenous acculturation, with a strong reversal of indigenous languages, customs and cultures.

F. Political consequences. Finally, there is a slow process of disseminating political ideas and the emergence of anti-colonialism, a product of abuses in the exploitation and misery in which the indigenous people are immersed.