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Block 4. Nineteenth-century imperialism and the First World War


1.1. Reasonably explains that the concept of "imperialism" reflects a reality that will influence global geopolitics and transnational economic relations.
1.2. Elaborates discussions on Eurocentrism and globalization.
2.1. It can recognize causal chains and interconnections between colonialism, imperialism and the Great War of 1914.
3.1. It differentiates the events of the processes in a historical explanation, of the First World War.
3.2. Analyzes the new political map of Europe.
3.3. It describes the defeat of Germany from its own perspective and from that of the Allies.
4.1. Contrasts some interpretations of the scope of the Russian Revolution at the time and today.
5.1. It produces a chronological, diachronic and synchronous axis, with the main scientific and technological advances of the nineteenth century.
6.1. Analytically comments on paintings, sculptures and architectural examples of nineteenth-century art.
6.2. Compares European and Asian artistic movements.