
IES Sáenz de Buruaga Bilingual section

Put the parts in order to form a sentence. Click on a part to add it to the answer. When you think your sentence is correct, click on "Check" to check your answer. If you get stuck, click on "Hint" to find out the next correct part.


Precipitation is the water that falls from the atmosphere . It can be solid or liquid. It includes rain, snow, hail and fog. Rainfall is measured using a pluviometer or rain gauge and is expressed either in millimetres (mm) or litres / square meter. The main factors of precipitations are: Latitude. Precipitations are many more in equatorial zones due to warm and humidity. Altitude. It rains more in high areas than in low areas. Level of humidity. It rains more near the coast than inland. Oceans and seas are a source of humidity. Humidity in the atmosphere is measured using a hygrometer and is expressed in percentages (%)